General Discussion
Now humans who were educated in our schools and universities about the irrefutable science and the massive written human history, we disagree with present day witch-doctors leading religions. Our culture and laws have developed to included compassion for poor and sick other people. One of the basic laws is to tell the truth and to speak up whenever someone tells lies, especially in a trial of someone accued of a crime. This speaking up has become a basis of science and after years some scientific theories becomes a "natural law."
I believe we have today a problem with our main stream news media becoming a witch-doctor and lying about the caue of the three World Trade Center building collapsing on 9/11. That is at least 3,661 architect, engineers, commerical airplane pilots and lawyers have studied the evidence and are asserting that NIST and the 9/11 Commission reports are full of lies and the NIST report failed to report a lot of eye witness statements that back up these 3,661 experts/scientists.
So just like atheist standing up to say there is no such a thing as gods/goddesses and the related BS, we have an ethical duty to stand up and say we need a new FBI or Congressional investigation of 9/11 because there is irrefutable science that disagrees with the NIST report and therefore the writters of the NIST report lied to Congress.
A good video/lecture as to why we need a new FBI investigation or new Congressional investigation of 9/11
part one WTC7
Part 2: NIST’s false statements about the Twin Towers' collapse
Part 3:
World Trade Center building Seven (WTC7) had fire proofing covering all the steel beams in it and it was not hit by an airplane.
Dr. Leroy Halsey said no main stream media has interviewed him.
The 2001 Anthrax Letter Attacks that enhanced the lie that Iraq had WMDs.
Source: see this URL
EXPOSING the truth around the 911 hijackers and they don’t like it
for my book “9/11 Direct Evidence”
Send me an email at
and I will reply with the book for FREE
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books
And when the US Attorney, The Court of Appeals, and the US Supreme Court refuses to empanel a grand jury to judge the direct evidence that proves explosions and/or incendiaries caused the total collapses of the World Trade Center buildings, our representative democracy is disabled.
The odds? Lt. Colonel David Gapp tell us about 9/11 Aviation Improbabilities[0]=1491828354927727¬if_id=1700307835597620¬if_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif
What are the odds that eight airline’s pilots would allow the alleged hijackers to take over their airplane?
And the odds of taking over the four airplanes without pilots turning the airplane upside down to knock the alleged hijacker off their feet?
What are the odds NONE of the airline pilot pushed the hijack code to warn ATC/FAA?
What are the odds of the very unskilled hijacker pilots hitting the Twin Towers at some 450 mph? ZERO.
What are the odds the alleged hijackers would know where over the US to turn off the airplanes transponder and where to make a u-turn to better not be seen on the ATC/Norad radar screens?
What are the odds of them flying a 330 degree coordinate-flight turn from 7,000 feet and hitting the Pentagon, when skilled pilots could only do this one in three attempts in a simulator? ZERO
None of the passengers could have made a cell phone to report the alleged hijackers with box cutters, because the airplanes were too high and flying at some 500 mph. IMPOSSIBLE.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), as the leading engineering organization in the United States, also abetted the crime by endorsing NIST's fraudulent 9/11 reports and attempting to shut down any challenge to the official story within their membership.
This link explains the science that proves NIST and ASCE are guilty of lying to Americans. NIST therefore lied to the US Congress who had task NIST which is under the Department of Commerce to explain how and why the three World Trade Center buildings collapsed on 9/11. NIST DID NOT explain why or how the Twin Towers totally collapsed. That alone is violation of the tasking Congress ordered to be done of a mass murder incident. Never before nor after 9/11 has any steel high rise building ever collapse due to fire, as was the case of World Trade Center building seven and the wreckage piles of all three buildings remain unexplained too hot and producing white smoke for over a month. The New York Fired department poured massive amounts of water onto this wreckage, yet the heat and white smoke continued for over a month and therein pointing to a fire burning in the wreckage. Given this smoke was only white also is evidence that the white smoke was aluminum oxide produced by the burning of nano-thermite which burns even under water.
I just made a 9/11 Truther group for the whole USA. We already have an Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth for the whole USA and the world.
I am running for Congress because I want a new FBI or Congressional investigation of 9/11. We need more 9/11 Truthers to run for public office and demanding a new investigation. Richard McManus for Congress, WA 2nd CD |
From: Richard McManus
Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired, BS psychology and nursing, Everett, WA