In my FREE books for example in the book “President Roosevelt Years” you can read about how his military intell people (SIGINT) knew the Japanese were headed to Pearl Harbor, but they did not tell the General and Admiral in Hawaii. In my JFK book you can learn about Lee Oswald being who was working for the CIA or the US Office of Naval Intelligence when he went to USSR and after he returned to the US.
And you can learn the evidence that points to the CIA, Secret Service, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff as being who plotted Kennedy's assassination and the cover up. The trigger pullers were most likely anti-Castro Cubans with their North American mafia associates.
In my book about the Nixon Years you can learn how closely he was tied to the North American mafia and learn that General Alexander Haig Jr. was most likely the real deep throat. You can also in this book learn about the Nixon Administration running a death squad in Latin America that pretended to be working as a counter drugs operation.
In my book about Bill Clinton's role in trafficking in cocaine and launder money with the CIA you can read about how CIA trafficking in opium during the Vietnam War continued from Latin America.
I focus on CIA’s political warfare, CIA’s drug trafficking and assassination of elected foreign leaders; I focus on CIA’s political warfare and US war crimes.
FREE Books
1610 to 1933 - Some Unpopular History of the United States
The FDR Years 1933 to 1945 Some Unpopular History of the United States
The Truman Years Apr. 1945 to Jan. 1953Some Unpopular History of the United States The Eisenhower Years Jan. 1953 to Jan. 1961Some Unpopular History of the United States
The Truth about the JFK Assassination Some Unpopular History of the United States
Plus a new chapter about how the CIA slandered Jim Garrison
The Kennedy Years Jan. 1961 to Nov. 22, 1963
Some Unpopular History of the United State
The main stream media is still covering up the JFK assassination
The Lyndon Johnson Years - Nov. 1963 to Dec. 1968
Some Unpopular History of the United StatesThe Nixon Years 1969 to Aug 9, 1874
Some Unpopular History of the United States
Nixon beholden to the American mafia and the truth about WATERGATE, 88 pgs.
The Ford Years – Aug. 9, 1974 to Jan. 20, 1977
Some Unpopular History of the United States
9/11 Hard Evidence
The Carter Years Jan 1977 to Dec 1980
Some Unpopular History of the United States
The Reagan Years (1981 to 1988) and Governor Bill Clinton’s cocaine trafficking and money laundering and DoJ failing to prosecute and covering up of CIA drug trafficking.
Some Unpopular History of the United States
Mysterious Deaths (This book is a chronological list of alleged facts I ran into over the years of research. Given my work history as a police officer, these facts cause me to assume the odds are just too large to ignore. So you tell me what you think about this list.)
The CIA’s shaping US History, operation Mockingbird
Some Unpopular History of the United States
Papers: shorter than what one usually thinks of as a book.
The October Surprise (new hard evidence that Reagan/Bush committed treason so Carter would lose re-election)
The Unjust Bombings of the Serbs in Bosnia by the US and NATO - 1992 to 1999 10 pages
The main stream media is still covering up the JFK assassination
TWA 800 cover up linked to CIA use of Afghani terrorists 12 pages
The false US Imprisonment of Susan Lindauer and denial of a speedy trail
My paper about President Johnson in June 1967 planned to nuke Cairo and came very close to doing so. This was why Israel bombed the USS Liberty and hoping to blame it on Egypt.
Obama was not a Democrat
Reagan, GHW Bush, and Bill Clinton were involved in CIA drug trafficking
2500 BCE to 1610 world history, what the Bible didn’t tell us.
Send me an email at
and I will reply with book or papers for FREE
or For sale at Amazon Kindle books
From: Richard McManus Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent, US Army retired, combat paramedic South Vietnam, BS psychology and nursing, Everett, WA